So I'm the kinda guy who is rough raw and rarely sugar coats it. Its my goal to portray myself in words that way. If i say something that offends you im sorry thats not my problem i call it like I see it. It may not always be right and that ok cause Im not perfect but im covered by the blood of Jesus and the Grace of a merciful God.
About Me
- Raphael
- I'm a 25yr old guy, I enjoy life to the fullest and God is who I want to follow he has blessed me with great friends and amazing people who surround and support me.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Your plan for my life, Not my wants
I find myself sometimes wanting to live another life. Not that there is anything wrong with mine, because honestly I am Very blessed and spoiled. I have a loving mom and brother some of the best friends a guy could ask for. I have a job or jobs that allow me to do what I enjoy. I have a Savior in Christ Jesus who died on the Cross for me so that I would have the opportunity to spend eternal life with the Father in Heaven. But yet I find myself many times not happy, not because things aren't going good or I'm bored and have nothing to do(this is definitely not the case). But I find myself to tied down. Opportunities arise that I would like to take but Im already committed to other things. I wind up having to do things that I have committed to over things that my heart yearns to do. Sometimes I just wish that school and work were not necessary in todays society to be considered a "productive" member of society. I live a pretty carefree life. I am not worried about if i am going to have a next meal. I am blessed to have the mindset of where do I want my meal from. I don't have to worry about where Im going to sleep tonight. Worrying about whether or not I will be warm and dry tonight is not a thought in my mind at all through the day. But there are many people like that who have those thoughts those worries daily. Here in the United States but even more so across our border to the south and around the world. We have so much here that we take for granted running water, free public schools, and free speech just to name a few. I just can't help but imagine how my life could be different if I had done one thing instead of another earlier in life. Instead of staying in my hometown to be with my girlfriend instead of going off to a D1 school when I was a freshman or take a certain job over another what would that have changed how would my life be different. Sometimes I sit and think about this for hours but I have to remind myself. I am following a path, its a path that has been created just for me to follow, yes its my choice to follow it and if I do I will have a blessing in it. Sometimes its just hard, sometimes I wish I had no commitments that I could just drive 6 hours on a whim and build a house for a family that I know very little about and join with the amazing people of Paseo Christian Church and Casas por Cristo. But I have a path that im to follow and at this moment in my life that isn't in the plan. Though I can't be there physically I will be there spiritually, praying for the family, the team and the community to be changed. I will make with due the opportunities I have to make an impact on the community around me while I am here. God has plans for me, Plans to prosper and not to harm, plans to give me hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (paraphrased) I just have to remind myself his plans are better than mine, and Lord I want your plans for my life not my own earthly desires.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
So as I look around it seems there are countdowns everywhere. Countdowns to the last final, graduations, pinning ceremonies, Birthdays, Christmas, New Years, Half marathon and marathon dates. There is one that sticks out to me even more than those days to Mexico. 18 days til Mexico, 18 days until I get to meet a family that before I leave will have a home to protect them from the sub freezing temperatures and crazy winds that blow through cracks and holes in the walls if the family is lucky enough to have them. 18 days until I get to lay a Concrete foundation to replace the dirt floors, Stucco to replace the pallets insulation, sheetrock. My thoughts go all over the place when I think of this countdown.
1. I get to bless a family with home, a physical worldly need.
2. I get to minister to a family through my actions, a free gift given to them but another is available the gift of having Jesus in your life that you can do nothing to deserve or earn but its there and they can have it.
3. Christmas in Mexico I have never done this only heard stories. So how do I prepare clothes What is building in the cold, how do we build if it snows? These thoughts all come together.
4. I get to see and hang out with some friends and some new people looking forward to meeting and making a connection with.
5. I get to give this gift around Christmas. The time when we celebrate the birth of our Savior. We celebrate by giving friends and family gifts I get to give someone who i don't know a gift that is going to completely change their life on this earth. But I also have the opportunity to help them receive a gift that will change their lives for all eternity and that is the thought makes me smile and my heart jump with joy to know that I have an opportunity to add to my family in Heaven.
I can't even to begin to imagine the true impact that we have on people towards the kingdom of Heaven. But I know that one day I will be able to see it and I want to make the most of the opportunities that I am giving.
Praise the Lord for countdowns because they are great things that bring great joys in my life. Can't wait. So let the countdown begin.
Crazy weekend
So this past weekend was an interesting one to say the least. There were some great times and some that I care not to repeat the experiences.
I got to go to Dallas this past weekend. I was able to spend time with one of my best friends Hannah and her Boyfriend Jeron (who I havent seen in 4 years) along with Elizabeth and my brother doing some shopping and just hanging out. After we hung out it was time for me and my brother to Check in to our Hotel and get ready for our evening activities so we get to our hotel and they tell me that the reservation is not for this weekend that it was for next weekend so we would have to call the company that we had made out reservations for and see if we could change with out difficulty. So figuring there wouldn't be a problem I called the person on the other end said I would have to cancel and rebook the hotel. So I cancelled and said I would figure out something else. I go back to the Guest services and tell the manager the situation so he says he can book me a room but its going to be $150 which is about double what my reservation was for. Its an hour before our evening activity and I was not going to miss it so I said no thanks to the manager and me and Gabriel got back into the truck and headed for The game in the Process I texted a few friends and they were heroes finding me Hotels for pretty Cheap and Elizabeth who was staying at her sisters house said that we could stay at her place for free. Praise God for he is good. So after that slight setback me and Gabriel arrive at our evening activity.
The Big 12 Title game. I have the BEST mom in the World she bought us tickets to the game for Christmas. I was so excited to go to the game. Because (in my opinion) it is one of the greatest College football rivalries The Oklahoma Sooners and The Nebraska CornHuskers. The atmosphere of this game was insane. I have only been to two college games in my life so I don't have much to go by but seeing the entire New Cowboys stadium covered in Crimson and Red was something else. It was a great game the whole way through with Nebraska coming out with a 17 point lead in the first quarter and Oklahoma coming back before the half and closing the deficit to 3 with a 20-17 score at half. The Second half there wasn't anything spectacular with the game ending with a score of 23-20 The Sooners coming out with the Victory. Made me very happy to be able to celebrate with all the fans after what had occured just prior to the game.
After the game we made it to Elizabeths sisters house and Crashed out the next morning was the original reason for me being in Dallas White Rock Half Marathon. This is going to be my 3rd half marathon in 8 months. I was also meeting one of my favorite people Aubrie Wright. I had run a half 3 weeks previous and had made my goal of running under 2 hours so my intention for running this one was to help Aubrie reach her goal of a 2:15 half marathon which she succeeded with a 2:08 half marathon she took off 26 minutes from her previous half I was very proud of her for. I also had the opportunity to have a good long conversation with her it was a lot of fun. and Im looking forward to doing it again at some point soon.
After running this it was time to clean up and head home so we started the long drive back to Amarillo and where I got to do homework before going to bed after a long Crazy weekend I loved getting to spend time with friends and family and friends who are closer than family.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Details to the small things, not the big picture
Pay attention to the details, the little things. I know it may not always be the funnest thing but it will be rewarding. Looking at the whole picture allows you to see the beauty in its entirety but you miss out on a lot of the smaller aspects.
I lately have been focussed on the big picture, Trips that I want to take, Graduation in a year and a half, my career choice, Im looking to much on the future and big picture.
My fault is I should be paying attention to the finer points, the steps needed to get there. I need to put a focus the Present. I have no control over the what is coming, As Andy Stanley pastor of North Point Community Church said in a leadership podcast "There are thousands of variables we have no control over" "and for the man or women who thinks its because of me that's just blind ignorance" More than that my focus needs to be on the one who has the big picture in his hand. Because He is in control of it all including the thousands of variables. Examples of these variable below.
The last few days have been rough 2 speeding tickets and a fine for my dog getting out of the yard and getting caught by Animal Control. Lesson learned and no Im not talking about watching my speed when Im in the drivers seat(although that needs to be addressed as well) Im talking my focus needs to be shifted from me to his plan. Jeremiah 29:11-13 says
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
If I would just seek Him and His will everything else will fall into place as it should. His plan for me is better than anything I could imagine or want for myself.
Now that I know the lesson its time to put the plan in action to live it out. I love that my God is a merciful God and gives me opportunities to learn from my mistakes and he takes the broken pieces and puts them back together and makes something even prettier than it was before. I am not perfect nor will I ever be on this earth but He is going to mold me the way he wants I just pray that Im soft enough to know its him doing it and allow him to work instead of trying to stiffen up and stand my ground.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
View from the stage
5th and 6th graders submitting in full worship to the Lord on High. Laying on the ground putting nothing above He who is the King of kings. Complete surrender. I pray that these kids don't lose this as they grow up and that they would be an example to the Generations that God is real and very much present.
I can't wait for Christmas.
Im excited for Christmas to get here, but not to receive presents but to give one. The day after Christmas I head down to Juarez to join a team from Kansas to be able to give a family a home Im sure whoever reads this is probably getting sick and tired of hearing this but for me its Exciting. I read facebook updates and twitter posts about how its the Holiday season and everyone is going Christmas shopping and baking holiday treats. Which is awesome good for them but I think people forget the real reason for the season. Christmas is not all about presents and spending time with family, don't get me wrong its a great thing spending time with those you love, But there is something much greater happening. We need to remember that Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior the little boy born of a Virgin that was laid manger because there was no other place for them to lay his head. He became a man who didn't sin yet died a brutal and agonizing death to pay for our sin. To often people don't think of that when they think of Christmas, I have done it myself Im not perfect but Im trying to not forget the main reason for the season. When I join this team in Mexico we are giving a family a free gift, a home, with walls a door windows celling fan. They don't have to pay a dime for it. We tell them we give them this free gift because we ourselves were giving a free gift the Gift of eternal life. We give them a bible, and the opportunity to accept Jesus into their hearts. A gift of eternal life with the Father and the Son. The opportunity to live in a perfect heaven with a perfect God for all of eternity. That is why I am excited about Christmas. The opportunity to be a light in a dark city. The opportunity to remember The real Reason for the season.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Free Gift
This upcoming Christmas break I will have the honor of getting to go to Juarez Mx. once again and build a home for a family. Eustaquio and Maria will be receiving an home here on earth but they have the opportunity to receive so much more, the opportunity to have eternal life and get to live in a perfect Heaven after they leave this imperfect world. When I go down there I will be joining friends of mine from Kansas and Casas por Cristo. I ask that you would join us and
1) Pray that Eustaquio and Maria would receive not only this home as a free gift from God but also that they would receive Jesus into their heart that they would believe He died for their sins so that they do not have to pay the price themselves,
2) Pray for the team that the funds would come in to complete this home, and that their hearts would be open to the Holy Spirit and they would be blessed as much as they are a blessing.
3) Pray for our Casas Representative Alexis that she would be prepared, healthy and blessed leading up to as well as during and after our trip.
4) Pray for the group leader she is sacrificing her time to put this together because her Love for the people of Mexico and her love of Jesus
5) Pray for the City of Juarez labeled one of the worlds most dangerous cities. Ravaged by drug cartels trying to take control of smuggling routes into the United States.
6) Pray that this group will be a shinning light to a city that is dark and in need of hope.
7) Pray for the Churches of Juarez, that they would be able to use what we do to harvest more souls to the Kingdom of God.
If you took the time to read this Thank you please join me and many others in prayer for these things.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Iraqi memorial
You mean to tell me NBC didn’t highlight this story; nor the “New York Times;” nor the “ Washington Post.” It just can’t be true!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Casas Christmas Trip 2010
The two pictures above are what people are living in the one below is a picture of a home that one of the teams I worked with built.
I have been a part of over 20 house either as a Volunteer or as a CpC intern or Rep. I spent 12 weeks in the summer of 2008 learning how to lead teams to build one of these homes for a family in just the short span of a week It was hands down the best summer of my life, It was also the hardest, I learned how to truly rely on God and understand that I wasn't making it through this world alone He was with me every step of the way and looking back now I can see where he had over his shoulder and was carrying me. Since that summer I have taken Every opportunity to go back and help either by leading groups joining groups of people I dont even know or by going back with my College Ministry. The opportunity has risen once again for me to go. This time with a group of friends from Kansas. I met a few of the people making this trip happen over spring break when I help lead their group in Acuna Mexico. One of them, Aubrie was going to be an Intern in summer of 2010 like I had been back in 2008 so because of our similar interest we became friends. We talked a lot that week and kept in touch. I got to hear a lot of her stories of her summer and it was just being able to talk to someone who was kinda going through the same things I had gone through 2 years previous. Well she is back at KState now and has decided to get a group together to go down over christmas break I have been invited to go along and have gotten the days off that are neccesary. The thing is we dont have a Church funding us so we have to come up with all $4100 to build the house plus food, travel and any gifts we would like to purchase for the families.
Here is where you come in I am humbly asking for any donation you feel that you can give. Let me promise you that you will be rewarded by Our Heavenly Father in return They have started the fundraising and I want to do my part and help so I'm going to start out by asking for help this is not something I have ever done be for because I am a prideful person and I like to do things on my own but I am slowly realizing that its not what I am called to do. I have thought about this a few times and its slowly sinking in but by me not asking for help I am robbing someone from the opportunity to help there are many people out there who want to help but don't know how or can't physically help. This is an opportunity right here. Aubrie posted this on her facebook and just the thought of this blew her mind if all of her facebook friends gave just 5 dollars that would be enough to pay for the house. Im a realist not all of her friends are going to give 5 dollars but im sure many will give 5 and some will give more but im going to ask the same thing if your reading this will you give 5 dollars? Is it on your heart to give more? My plan is while we are building im going to take lots of pictures of the family the team and of course the house. If you give and would like any or all of the pictures i will burn them on a disc and mail them to you.
Anything given will pay for anything from the cement that we lay as the foundation to the tar that we put on the roofing nails to prevent the roof from leaking. The screws for the Drywall, windows, doors. I can't express how thankful in advance I am for your generosity. If you aren't able to help financially will you join us in Prayer that all the funds would come in that travel would be smooth and safe and that we will be able to bless the family with a home a few days after Christmas? Thank you again. If you have any questions about any of this dont hesitate to call me (806) 2067291 Email me Subject Casas Christmas 2010 hit me up on Twitter ramchenry11 or Facebook Raphael McHenry Share this with your friends if you want I don't mind at all.
Again Thank you in advance
Raphael McHenry
P.S. I am in the process of setting up a PayPal account that you can donate money online but if you are interested in doing so let me know and i will get the information to you.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
This is me
So Im reading a few blogs, No not anyone famous or any sports blogs, just some down to earth real people like I want to be. Friends of mine, but what these friends talk about their life or experiences, a thought or an epiphany (thats a big word for me and I spelled it right the first time) But no matter what they blog about I am blessed just by reading it. Because no matter what they type about it comes from the heart and its honest. Something that I have issues with. Just putting it out there take it or leave it. I hate rejection I hate being rejected or not fitting in to the crowd so I do whatever it takes to fit in and be a part. But its killing me I can't do it anymore I can put on a happy face but then when I'm at home I'm rude, hateful, and just not happy i look at myself as being a loser because i have to pretend to be something I'm not just to keep or make friends. Im tired of it i wanna be me, But not just me but I want to be the me that God wants me to be. I want to be Raphael McHenry that God has plans for to prosper to have a future and a hope. I have caught myself just sitting in my room wondering if i really go through with this how is everything gonna change. How many people are going to want to remove themselves from me but what i have decided is those people don't matter I want to know the people who are going to stick by me. I think I know who those people are but I guess now is as good of time as any to find out. I figure those who actually read this blog will take me for who I am no matter what because your actually taking the time to read this. I ask you to call me out if you think Im being fake or a people pleaser. To those that I read your blog I want to say Thank you. Your posts gave me courage to write this one and actually opened my eyes to what I have become.
So this is me I wanna be real which may mean that I'm raw if you get offended I'm not sorry cause thats just me. Im a gun carrying, God fearing, Southern boy, I have been reborn by the Grace of God and the BLOOD of Jesus. I hope you take me for who I truly am if not then its your loss not mine.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Recent things
Well a lot has gone on in the last couple of weeks I'm not even sure were to start so ill start saying this.
Gods will above my own.
For the last month I have had my heart set on UTEP, El Paso and the city of Juarez. I wanted to move there and be able to Minister to families in Juarez on a more regular basis helping out Casas Por Cristo on a weekly basis, I wanted to climb Hueco Tanks every weekend be able to enjoy actual mountains to ride my mountain bike on with out having to drive hours to get there. I was looking forward to helping in children's ministry with Paseo Christian Church. Also I wanted to get far away from all the bad influences I have in my life here in Amarillo, I thought removing myself from the situations would be the easiest/best way.
Tuesday I arrived in El Paso and met with an advisor about signing up for classes. At first she ask if I had been accepted to the university when I showed her my acceptance letter and student Id number she said that I still she didn't have anything on record for me, after making a few calls she found out that they still had not evaluated my transcript and they wouldnt for at least another 2 weeks which would wind up being 7-9 days prior to classes beginning Im a fast moving kinda guy but that is just a little to quick for me to move from Amarillo to El Paso find a place to live, a job and hope that they accept all my credits and have the classes that I need/want available. So when I heard that this was the situation I was in I began to wonder God what do you have for me? Where do you want me and How do I fit wherever it is I am suppose to be.
Well after a weekend build in Juarez listening to testimonies that I have heard before and an awesome sermon that even after talking to him I think Greg Hunt said "God what do you want to say to Raphael this weekend while he is here" The sermon just continued to help me realize that I can do things my way and make an impact but if I do it His way I can do so much more, I may not like it all the time but knowing that this is where I'm suppose to be will be my comfort in the hard days.
So for at least the next year and a half Amarillo/Canyon will continue to be my home, maybe I'll be somewhere else for the summer but thats for another day right now my focus is on what My Good God has for me here. What great things am I called to do here? Who am I suppose to be a light to, and where am I suppose to look to for guidance.
Now on a lighter note something a little more fun and less serious, Im training for half marathons in November and December and a Marathon next April I have running partners that live in Kansas that go to K State that are going to join me in Dallas for White Rock in Dec and OKC for the full Marathon in April. Over the weekend I added another running partner a little closer to home just 45 minutes out in Herdford, Mr. Michael Fox, looking forward to meeting up with him, Tonight I added two more friends to White Rock in Dallas and they are also looking at joining me for Rock'n'Roll San Antonio. One of them, my best friend and adopted little sister, Hannah goes to Baylor in Waco, the other Elizabeth actually lives in Amarillo so it will be nice to have a running partner that lives in the same town as I do. Very excited about what is going to happen with that in the next couple of months. For those of you who don't know my other partners they are Aubrie and Sarah, Very fun girls. I appreciate any prayers for us prayers for Energy and health as we begin to really train for these events.
Also I have decided that I need to read more and do more listening than I have so if you have any good books that you think I should read or a person that you believe I should podcast let me know so that I may add them to the list.
Lots of Crazy things on the Horizon cant wait to experience it live it and Love it...whatever "it" is.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I am at a point in my life where a decision has to be made. Where do I want to finish up my schooling? But do I have the patience to wait for God to tell me where he has planned for me thats what we are going to find out. See I have the desire in my heart to go to UTEP so that I can be closer to Juarez and to the people who so desperately need the love of christ in their heart. But more than that I think getting away from the bad influences in my life would be a good thing as well for me to be able to grow to the potential that God has for me and to be able to raise the bar another notch. But after talking to a UTEP representative it seems that I wont know until right before school starts on wether or not I will not only moving to El Paso but in a very short time from with no place to stay no job and not knowing the spread of the Campus. I have faith that God will open or close doors as according to his will and the plan for hope and a future in my life Jeremiah 29:11 " 11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." now I just have the patience to wait and see which door he opens. Being wise I need to prepare myself for the door to UTEP being closed so I need to prepare stuff for WT which I found out today that I got accepted to. So next week I will go prepare my schedule by meeting with an advisor from WT, Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Daily I will delight myself in the Lord because he will give me the desires of my heart it says so in the Bible, also my desire it to walk in the path that he has made for me. I pray that his will be done my emotions set aside I just want to do his bidding I will be happy either way. Because if he doesnt want me in El Paso then he has something here in Amarillo for me thats greater than I could have imagined doing in El Paso because my God is a good and great things and mountains can be moved in his name with faith the size of a mustard seed.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
El Paso
So coming in to El Paso for the weekend I had a few goals

1) To see friends that I haven't seen in a while
2) Get a Tattoo
2) Let them know that I am trying to move down here to finish school and to be around them
I had an amazing time. I was able to go to Hueco Tanks which for those of you who dont know is in the Top 2 spots world wide for bouldering which is my favorite type of climbing. Sunday I had the awesome ability to go into Juarez Mx. with my good friend Josh, Pete and their team of 24 people to build 2 homes
for 2 different families and share the Love of the cross and the grace of the Blood. Something that I have been praying for the last couple of weeks is that I would be able to see a life changed. But this time I was specific I wanted to hear that a team member accepted Jesus into their heart. Its been on my heart I read stories about other leaders learning of this. I often felt like I was doing something wrong as a team leader that I needed to do something to better for that to work. But these weekend I didn't do anything better than I usually do in fact if you really want to break it down I did a lot less I did my best to just become a team member again because I know that it wont be like that when I come back in two weeks with my home Church.
Coming to El Paso for this weekend just showed me how much more I want to move down here. The opportunities to serve in so many different ways and in serving the opportunity to grow is increased exponentially. With what little I walked around campus I was impressed with the structure and the shape of the campus it all looked newly remodeled of very well kept. Aside from Hueco Tanks there are actual mountains to ride my Mt. Bike, the cycling community not only exist but is visible. I so people riding there bikes constantly, they had bike lanes and drivers stayed out of them. The UTEP campus has a pull that i would have Access to which would allow me to teach myself how to swim properly for competition thus being able to start training for Triathlons. Pretty much everything I want/like to do is wrapped up in this city. It may be in the middle of the desert but the people there( CpC and Paseo peeps) are fantastic people to be around and definately a group that would be a positive change for me.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Camp X
So the Past week has been one of the most rewarding weeks of my life.
This year we went to a new camp for Xtreme, Bonita Park in Ruidoso NM. So different from anything we were used to. It was in the mountains, green, wet, there were tons of trees and the temperatures were not crazy hot and the daily rain was refreshing.
The camp staff at Bonita Park were to say the least awesome. I dont think I have ever come across such a large group of people who were so happy all the time. I never saw anything but a smile on their face. I was so refreshing
Gods presence and the Holy Spirit were so thick the whole week it felt unreal. The kids were asking for longer worship sets and many received Christ and many more received their prayer language. I heard multiple stories of kids having visions in their quiet times. I also received many encouraging words this week which was something that I have been in need of. Praise the Lord
Matthew 25:21 His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your master's happiness!"
The feeling I left that camp with is something that I am not able to do justice with words. It was the most amazing feeling I have ever had. Matching that of being able to hand a family keys to a new home that God has giving them. The Holy Spirit was just so present.
If you read this post I would ask that you pray for the continual movement of the Holy Spirit in these kids and for the spirits of the camp staff so that they will be able to continue to impact the lives of those attending a camp at bonita park in a positive way.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
My Bucket list
So I was thinking about some of the stuff I wanted to do in the next few years and then decided to write them down. After thinking realistically, with going to school and not working a whole lot many of these things just wouldn't be possible until after I graduate. So I just decided to start a Bucket list here are just a few of the things I have decided I want to do before I die, before I give you the list just know that this is by no means all of it, just what I thought of right off the top of my head.
In no particular order...
Camp in the Rockies
Go to a World Cup game
Visit every state in the USA
Travel Europe
Travel Africa
Travel South America
Graduate with a Bachelors Degree
Visit yosemite National park
Hike/Ride the Appalachian Mountains
Run a Marathon
Compete in a Triathlon
Financially support a short term missionary
Financially support a long term missionary
Learn to drive a stick-shift
Score a hat trick in a soccer game
Watch a Denver Broncos game in person at Invesco Field at Mile High
Go to Disneyland in Cali
Scuba Dive
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sports Big 12 Conference
With the biggest sport(in the world) hitting the biggest stage here its only expected to be talked about. The World Cup is upon us so here is a little bit of what I have for you. Im rooting for the underdog...a lot my brackets in fantasy soccer on ESPN are realistic but I always love a cinderella story especially when going against teams like Italy, Germany, even Brazil and Spain I would Love to see them lose and not even make it past group play. But Im realistic. Incredibly with all the world cup going on that is not what I have been focussed on sport wise this past week. What has got my attention is Big 12 North schools jumping ship to other conferences and the threat of losing the Big 12 altogether. But after the University of Texas stating that it is staying in the Big 12 seems like all those fears have kinda subsided and now we wait to see whats next.
My suggestion is simple(I think) Big 12 Commissioner Dan Beebe invites 2 school to replace Nebraska and Colorado University. TCU would be an Excellent choice in my opinion. I mean they are going to the college world series in baseball as we speak after beating UT in the super regionals. TCU has a great Volleyball team and Tennis teams. I believe that if they were to join the Big 12 recruiting football players would be a lot easier because they are in a known conference. Also there are talks about Arkansas coming and re sparking the rivalry they had with teams in the former Southwestern Conference. with those two teams joining the conference you put the 5 Texas teams (A&M, Baylor, Tech, TCU, UT) in the Southern Division along with Arkansas while moving OU and OKST to the North Division with the remaining 4 schools consisting of K-State KU Iowa and Mizzou. I say all of this because in the past few years the North hasn't really had a football team that can compete with the power houses of Texas OU and Tech, and many a times people ask well why don't OU and Texas play again for the Big 12 Championship. This would allow for this to happen and thus the 2 best teams playing for the conference championship. Interstate rivalries would still be intact for Division play, traveling cost would be minimized conference Championship could still be had and everyone wins especially the fans.
I dont know how the rest of this is going to fan out but you can bet that I will be following it more closely than I have the World Cup which has been quite close.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Incredibly Blessed.
For the most part we don't ever think about our blessings, just our wants and desires. Im very guilty of this. Yes I say Im blessed and spoiled but I don't think that until just the other day I realized just how truly blessed I am.
During worship this past wednesday night was the first time in a while I could strictly worship God with no distractions wether it be something going on in life or kids talking during worship we had so many leaders and the kids were well behaved. I made it a point more than ever to put everything aside and Praise my Lord and Savior. When I did whoa it was unbelievable. The things he showed me were incredible. It was so much raising my hands wasn't enough, I had to get on my knees and just bow to the almighty it was the closest thing I could think of to physically show my surrender to him at that moment. Just blessing after blessing he showed me.
As I hang out in the cabin we have for the weekend in Angel Fire and think about how big it is and the fact that i have a room to myself with a king size bed I can help but think of those just a few hours south who live in cardboard box and wooden pallet houses smaller than my room while sleeping on the dirt floor. Many of them wishing they had enough to get by. Sometimes I want more than what I have which I think is ok God wants to bless us don't get me wrong but I thinks its crazy how much people want(myself included) when there are others who have next to nothing who would be perfectly content with half of what we have.
My family, the friends I have now, the friends that have stuck with me through some crazy stupid stuff, the friends I have had, the people who have come across my life for just a short time but have made and impact on how I think about the daily things in life. My job, I couldn't ask for a better boss right now he takes care of me making sure I get hours yet allowing me to live my life and enjoy it. The ability to worship him freely when ever wherever I want. An awesome group of older wiser friends that I can go to for advice. I can't even imagine the blessing he still has in store as I continue to work for Him and do my best to bring glory to His name. But my goal is to focus on the blessings he has already given me and the work that he has for me I have come to realize that doing those things the blessings will come pouring down rain incredibly thick, and thats what I want.
Im Incredibly blessed. I know that and and in case you didn't know you are to just ask to be shown your blessings and look for them at every corner. They are there I promise you just have to open your eyes.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Robin Hood
This past weekend I went and saw the new Robin Hood. Overall I would rate it a B-. Although it was a good movie it wasn't anything like I expected. There wasn't as much stealing from the rich and giving to the poor that i was looking for but it did have some great battle scenes. I was very glad to come out of the movie not feeling like I had just watched a porn movie as many movies nowadays often make me feel it was a very clean movie and family friendly in my opinion. In my opinion not as good as Iron man 2 but definitely worth seeing in theaters.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Three Amigos Send off
So I have a couple friends who are traveling via bicycle from Amarillo, Tx. to St. Louis Mo. Crazy I know but they see it as a short distance since they have come across people who have traveled from Coast to Coast and the world. But I say this to tell you this story these friends of mine who have names themselves the three amigos you can follow them on Facebook here Had a send off party tonight while at this party I meet a man who goes by the name Drew Blood. Drew is a side show guy and does all kinds of crazy things like put deep sea salmon hooks in his body and hold things as well as stick long needles in his body. I was introduced to him with the comment I stapled a $20 dollar bill to his forehead then showed a picture. I was deeply impressed with this so someone says how about I pay you $5 dollars to bust a glass bottle over your head... Drews response ok lets go outside. Attempt # 1 is a fail. So he offers Drew another five dollars for a second chance, Drew accepts and once again failed attempt, after this Tyler (one of the three amigos and person who has failed twice) says "someone stronger want to try?" and after picking my jaw off the floor I volunteer to attempt, Drew already has 2 whelps on the back of his head so he says the 3rd hit is going to cost $10 so after people pitch in for this (because there are many people watching in amazement) I get my chance. Drew is not only standing here ready to take the hit but he also gave me tips on how to hit and where to hit him. On my first swing the bottle busts Drew begins to bleed but says he is ok. I would have to say its one of the craziest things that I have done. It was a rush I was stunned but it made for a great night an awesome memory and a few new friends.
So I figure Im gonna try this Blog thing out. Since I plan on doing a lot of traveling this summer I figure I'll start out with that. Maybe the occasional movie critique. I hope to get this going soon.
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