1) To see friends that I haven't seen in a while
2) Get a Tattoo
2) Let them know that I am trying to move down here to finish school and to be around them
I had an amazing time. I was able to go to Hueco Tanks which for those of you who dont know is in the Top 2 spots world wide for bouldering which is my favorite type of climbing. Sunday I had the awesome ability to go into Juarez Mx. with my good friend Josh, Pete and their team of 24 people to build 2 homes
for 2 different families and share the Love of the cross and the grace of the Blood. Something that I have been praying for the last couple of weeks is that I would be able to see a life changed. But this time I was specific I wanted to hear that a team member accepted Jesus into their heart. Its been on my heart I read stories about other leaders learning of this. I often felt like I was doing something wrong as a team leader that I needed to do something to better for that to work. But these weekend I didn't do anything better than I usually do in fact if you really want to break it down I did a lot less I did my best to just become a team member again because I know that it wont be like that when I come back in two weeks with my home Church.
Coming to El Paso for this weekend just showed me how much more I want to move down here. The opportunities to serve in so many different ways and in serving the opportunity to grow is increased exponentially. With what little I walked around campus I was impressed with the structure and the shape of the campus it all looked newly remodeled of very well kept. Aside from Hueco Tanks there are actual mountains to ride my Mt. Bike, the cycling community not only exist but is visible. I so people riding there bikes constantly, they had bike lanes and drivers stayed out of them. The UTEP campus has a pull that i would have Access to which would allow me to teach myself how to swim properly for competition thus being able to start training for Triathlons. Pretty much everything I want/like to do is wrapped up in this city. It may be in the middle of the desert but the people there( CpC and Paseo peeps) are fantastic people to be around and definately a group that would be a positive change for me.
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