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I'm a 25yr old guy, I enjoy life to the fullest and God is who I want to follow he has blessed me with great friends and amazing people who surround and support me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Casas Christmas Trip 2010

If you know me then you have probably heard of a ministry called "Casas por Cristo" or "Houses because of Christ" If you haven't you're about to. I took my first trip to Juarez Mexico with them in August of 2007. I went with my College Ministry and had an amazing time serving along side friends while helping out complete strangers. We built a family a home in just 3 days, It was a 3 room house that was 15 foot wide by 30 foot long, Now im sure you are probably thinking thats not very big but if you go to the Casas por Cristo (CpC) http://www.casasporcristo.org/#/home website and look through the pictures you can see some of the conditions many of these people are living in. Many don't have solid walls around their Shacks. Many are made of pallets and other scrap materials that they can pick up off the side of the road.

The two pictures above are what people are living in the one below is a picture of a home that one of the teams I worked with built.

I have been a part of over 20 house either as a Volunteer or as a CpC intern or Rep. I spent 12 weeks in the summer of 2008 learning how to lead teams to build one of these homes for a family in just the short span of a week It was hands down the best summer of my life, It was also the hardest, I learned how to truly rely on God and understand that I wasn't making it through this world alone He was with me every step of the way and looking back now I can see where he had over his shoulder and was carrying me. Since that summer I have taken Every opportunity to go back and help either by leading groups joining groups of people I dont even know or by going back with my College Ministry. The opportunity has risen once again for me to go. This time with a group of friends from Kansas. I met a few of the people making this trip happen over spring break when I help lead their group in Acuna Mexico. One of them, Aubrie was going to be an Intern in summer of 2010 like I had been back in 2008 so because of our similar interest we became friends. We talked a lot that week and kept in touch. I got to hear a lot of her stories of her summer and it was just being able to talk to someone who was kinda going through the same things I had gone through 2 years previous. Well she is back at KState now and has decided to get a group together to go down over christmas break I have been invited to go along and have gotten the days off that are neccesary. The thing is we dont have a Church funding us so we have to come up with all $4100 to build the house plus food, travel and any gifts we would like to purchase for the families.
Here is where you come in I am humbly asking for any donation you feel that you can give. Let me promise you that you will be rewarded by Our Heavenly Father in return They have started the fundraising and I want to do my part and help so I'm going to start out by asking for help this is not something I have ever done be for because I am a prideful person and I like to do things on my own but I am slowly realizing that its not what I am called to do. I have thought about this a few times and its slowly sinking in but by me not asking for help I am robbing someone from the opportunity to help there are many people out there who want to help but don't know how or can't physically help. This is an opportunity right here. Aubrie posted this on her facebook and just the thought of this blew her mind if all of her facebook friends gave just 5 dollars that would be enough to pay for the house. Im a realist not all of her friends are going to give 5 dollars but im sure many will give 5 and some will give more but im going to ask the same thing if your reading this will you give 5 dollars? Is it on your heart to give more? My plan is while we are building im going to take lots of pictures of the family the team and of course the house. If you give and would like any or all of the pictures i will burn them on a disc and mail them to you.
Anything given will pay for anything from the cement that we lay as the foundation to the tar that we put on the roofing nails to prevent the roof from leaking. The screws for the Drywall, windows, doors. I can't express how thankful in advance I am for your generosity. If you aren't able to help financially will you join us in Prayer that all the funds would come in that travel would be smooth and safe and that we will be able to bless the family with a home a few days after Christmas? Thank you again. If you have any questions about any of this dont hesitate to call me (806) 2067291 Email me ramchenry.rm@gmail.com Subject Casas Christmas 2010 hit me up on Twitter ramchenry11 or Facebook Raphael McHenry Share this with your friends if you want I don't mind at all.

Again Thank you in advance
Raphael McHenry

P.S. I am in the process of setting up a PayPal account that you can donate money online but if you are interested in doing so let me know and i will get the information to you.

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