About Me

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I'm a 25yr old guy, I enjoy life to the fullest and God is who I want to follow he has blessed me with great friends and amazing people who surround and support me.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Recent things

Well a lot has gone on in the last couple of weeks I'm not even sure were to start so ill start saying this.

Gods will above my own.

For the last month I have had my heart set on UTEP, El Paso and the city of Juarez. I wanted to move there and be able to Minister to families in Juarez on a more regular basis helping out Casas Por Cristo on a weekly basis, I wanted to climb Hueco Tanks every weekend be able to enjoy actual mountains to ride my mountain bike on with out having to drive hours to get there. I was looking forward to helping in children's ministry with Paseo Christian Church. Also I wanted to get far away from all the bad influences I have in my life here in Amarillo, I thought removing myself from the situations would be the easiest/best way.

Tuesday I arrived in El Paso and met with an advisor about signing up for classes. At first she ask if I had been accepted to the university when I showed her my acceptance letter and student Id number she said that I still she didn't have anything on record for me, after making a few calls she found out that they still had not evaluated my transcript and they wouldnt for at least another 2 weeks which would wind up being 7-9 days prior to classes beginning Im a fast moving kinda guy but that is just a little to quick for me to move from Amarillo to El Paso find a place to live, a job and hope that they accept all my credits and have the classes that I need/want available. So when I heard that this was the situation I was in I began to wonder God what do you have for me? Where do you want me and How do I fit wherever it is I am suppose to be.

Well after a weekend build in Juarez listening to testimonies that I have heard before and an awesome sermon that even after talking to him I think Greg Hunt said "God what do you want to say to Raphael this weekend while he is here" The sermon just continued to help me realize that I can do things my way and make an impact but if I do it His way I can do so much more, I may not like it all the time but knowing that this is where I'm suppose to be will be my comfort in the hard days.

So for at least the next year and a half Amarillo/Canyon will continue to be my home, maybe I'll be somewhere else for the summer but thats for another day right now my focus is on what My Good God has for me here. What great things am I called to do here? Who am I suppose to be a light to, and where am I suppose to look to for guidance.

Now on a lighter note something a little more fun and less serious, Im training for half marathons in November and December and a Marathon next April I have running partners that live in Kansas that go to K State that are going to join me in Dallas for White Rock in Dec and OKC for the full Marathon in April. Over the weekend I added another running partner a little closer to home just 45 minutes out in Herdford, Mr. Michael Fox, looking forward to meeting up with him, Tonight I added two more friends to White Rock in Dallas and they are also looking at joining me for Rock'n'Roll San Antonio. One of them, my best friend and adopted little sister, Hannah goes to Baylor in Waco, the other Elizabeth actually lives in Amarillo so it will be nice to have a running partner that lives in the same town as I do. Very excited about what is going to happen with that in the next couple of months. For those of you who don't know my other partners they are Aubrie and Sarah, Very fun girls. I appreciate any prayers for us prayers for Energy and health as we begin to really train for these events.

Also I have decided that I need to read more and do more listening than I have so if you have any good books that you think I should read or a person that you believe I should podcast let me know so that I may add them to the list.

Lots of Crazy things on the Horizon cant wait to experience it live it and Love it...whatever "it" is.


  1. Hey bro,

    This is Jeff Parsons. Sounds like God is doing some cool stuff. May not be WHERE you want, but He has a plan that will bring peace and satisfaction.

    As far as what to read, a few that have blown me away lately:

    Your Jesus is Too Safe, Jared C Wilson
    Radical, Rescuing Your Faith From the American Dream, David Platt
    Tangible Kingdom, Matt Smay and Hugh Halter

    I've got a ton more, but those should get you going.

    We need to do coffee sometime and catch up.


  2. Hey this is Stevo,

    You should read Wild at Heart by John Eldridge if you haven't and then check out David, A Story of Passion and Destiny by Charles Swindoll.

    Both of those books made profound impacts on me.

    Good luck mate and if you need anything ever just holler at me.

