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I'm a 25yr old guy, I enjoy life to the fullest and God is who I want to follow he has blessed me with great friends and amazing people who surround and support me.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Crazy People"

So I know some Crazy people Crazy for Jesus that is. Casas por Cristo as many of you know has a special place in my heart. Last week they had to cancel their summer internship program because they are low on teams coming down to build homes. I can honestly say I have never been afraid while in Juarez or Acuna Mexico. I believe that this ministry is doing something great for the kingdom of God Glorifying the name of Jesus and because of this fact Satan is trying to do whatever he can to stop this ministry in its tracks. There are 4 people who were suppose to be interns this summer who have decided that they are going to go to Juarez and be the teams that aren't showing up. These 4 people are trying to raise $50,000 so that they can build 10 houses this summer. Thats Crazy...but not impossible because God has his hand in it Matthew 7:7 says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." These 4 men and women of God are asking seeking and knocking and expecting doors to be opened. Right now they have $18,000 raised thats enough for 3 house thats 3 families that are going to be blessed with a home and have a chance to begin a relationship with Jesus or strengthen their faith. If you want to help financially you can give one of two ways

One is to go to http://www.casasporcristo.org/give.html and there is a link to donate online. If you choose to donate, under "Program Area" choose "trip payment" and put INTERN BUILD in the comments box so that Casas knows to put the money towards our fund.

The second is to write a check to Casas Por Cristo and put INTERN BUILD in the memo line and send it to
Casas por Cristo
PO Box 971070
El Paso, TX 79997

I challenge you if you read this give even if its only 5 dollars. right now there is a Church in El Paso that will match all donations made to this group up to an entire house in the month of April. That would mean that this team of four could build 4 houses and be halfway to their goal of at least 10 house.

I also want to Challenge you to pray for this team, for the families that they are going to touch and for the ministry of Casas por Cristo. If you are joining in prayer and want updates on how they are doing join this facebook page
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=212616062083839&index=1 Join me in Prayer but more importantly join me financially in supporting these "Crazy People" in their pursuit of Jesus and spreading his word to the People of Juarez.

1 comment:

  1. OK this is off the subject---You're a bank teller?? Me too! haha. Where? Anyway, just noticed that on your profile.

    As I'm reading this I'm thinking back to internship summer. What these guys are doing is amazing! Makes me want to go back. Or donate my tax return. Maybe both?
