About Me

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I'm a 25yr old guy, I enjoy life to the fullest and God is who I want to follow he has blessed me with great friends and amazing people who surround and support me.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Coffee shops

So I have been working in coffee shops for almost 3 years now, a little over 2 and a half at Roasters Coffee and Tea Company in Amarillo, Texas and Just over a month at Palace Coffee Company in little old Canyon Texas USA. Because of these two Coffee Shops I have gained a greater appreciation for coffee as an industry, its taste and the skill behind making the drink. from watching the coloration of the espresso as it comes out of the portofilter to microfoam you get when you steam the milk just right. The different tastes you get from coffee by the method you brew it, the length of time you brew it. Being a good barista requires so much more skill then people give us credit for. I had the priviledge of going to a couple coffee shops in the Dallas Fortworth over the weekend Im sad to say that I wasn't impressed. I have been to great coffee shops ones that anytime I visit the town or am driving through the town I make it a point to visit, and I have been to ok coffee shops where I could care less if I ever went there. I may just be super spoiled now with Palace Coffee, But I was not impressed at all with the Coffee Shops/house I visited. The baristas couldn't tell me anything about the coffee they were using, I mean Im no expert but I can atleast tell you what country the beans are from, what the roast is, who we get our beans from. The guys I dealt with this weekend couldn't do that. They had no personality which translated into the culture of the place. Drinks were poorly made and no care was put into it. Today while I was at work I did some latte art and managed to pull off a really good heart and just for grins I told the guy that it was proof that we made all of our drinks with love he laughed and went about his day but hey I got him to laugh and i think if i can do that with everyone that I come in contact with then I'm doing my job.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Todays thoughts

Well its been a while since I have had something I felt was worthy of writing about. Here is my thought of the day.

So I was hanging out with some friends Monday night after work we went and bowled for dollar bowl night then afterwards we went to Waffle house. Now before I get to the story I just want to say I wasn’t a fan of waffle house till I was introduced to their hashbrowns where you can get them smothered, covered, chunked and diced. (onions, cheese, ham and tomatoes) Amazing if you haven’t tried them you should. Ok back to the story. By the time we get to Waffle house its almost midnight we all had come in our own vehicles so when the “Salesperson” that’s what Patricias name tag said. She preferred to be called Patty and really didn’t care if the name tag said salesperson or waitress she was there to take care of us and that’s all that mattered to her. She asked if it was just the 5 of us because she had seen all of our cars come in the parking lot. I joked and said “you thought it was a little early for the bars to close” and she said something that still bothers me this morning. “I would rather have the drunks then the churched” “The drunks are a lot more patient and kind” “I have worked the Saturday nights and the Sunday afternoon and I would rather work Saturday night” Now I don’t know if you the reader are a Christian, Believer, Atheist, Agnostic. If you are one of the first two you should be offended that this was said. I was and am. I don’t like the fact that there are people who say they are Christians and proclaim to be Christians yet don’t act it out. Don’t get me wrong I have been one of those people before and maybe still am from time to time but I try to be aware of my actions and who I’m around. I want my life to reflect His life. I am nowhere near perfect and never will be but I can always strive to be better and more Christ like. I have heard servers, waiters or whatever title you want to give them talk about how they dislike working Sundays because they feel like they are disrespected by church goers when they go to lunch after service. A few of them are believers then a few of them are but the ones that aren’t don’t like the idea of church because they see these “hypocrites” (their words not mine) say one thing in church and do another outside of the walls. I hate to admit it but that never really bothered me until last night. Because it was someone I didn’t know who said that. Regardless I hope that our actions give her hope that “Churched” people aren’t all hypocritical and hateful, unpatient, I hope that last night me and my group of friends were able to show Jesus in our actions towards her in our conversation and just in our presence. Just a thought people are watching you everywhere you go and if you proclaim to be a follower of Jesus they are going to expect you to be a Saint, don’t try to be because you will fail miserably but the least you can do is be kind, and love on people regardless of who they are and what they do because we all sin but Jesus still loves us and died for us. We should live our life in a manner that reflects Him and His love. Our actions should make one want to turn to God not turn away. Just something to think about the next time you go out to eat or go to the Grocery store.