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I'm a 25yr old guy, I enjoy life to the fullest and God is who I want to follow he has blessed me with great friends and amazing people who surround and support me.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Its funny to me, all the people who watch the news and think that there isn't a political agenda one way or the other. There are some News Channels far left and others that are far right. There is no station in the US that is in the middle. Its just the truth. Sorry Jack.

My question for you is with our national debt being absolutely ridiculous to the point that we are about to default on a loan and (in my opinion) near the point that Germany was at when US Loans to rebuild after WWI stopped. Germany as well as many other countries were crushed for years after that some all the way to the end of WWII. Yet with all this debt Our Congress decided it was OK to give themselves a raise. Are you kidding me? What did they do that deserved a raise? What did they even do that is worthy of them keeping their job? Before giving themselves a 1.1% raise they were making 174,000 a year. In 2012 The house of representatives was in session 153. That is approximately 1137 US dollars a day. If they work an 8 hour day they are making $142 an hour. Absolutely ridiculous. I think that until they start listening to what the people want, they eliminate our debt and get some money in the bank then they need to have their pay cut by 50% along with eliminating the ability to write stuff off as business expense. They currently make about 4 times what the average Citizen does and they work less then half of the year. The President gets a 400,000 dollar salary 50,000 expense account 100,000 nontaxable travel account and a 19,000 entertainment budget, along with free housing while president. After he is no longer president he receives the same pay as the presidents cabinet (currently 199,700) a year until his death. Both have private security provided by the secret service. I think that we should cut the pay of the cabinet in half as well as entirely remove the pay of former Presidents. Unfortunately in todays society I think the security is a necessary thing. 435 representatives in the house of Reps, 100 senators. Cutting their pay in half prior to their raise would save the Country 46.5 million dollars a year. Now when you owe trillions of dollars 46.5 million don't seem like much but I bet you that they would be way more motivated to get the debt taken care of if you also but a clause that says every term pay will decrease 1% until the debt is eliminated or they make below the national average.

I say all that to say this. Congress needs to put the important things in front and quit screwing over future generations with their greed.

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