So I'm the kinda guy who is rough raw and rarely sugar coats it. Its my goal to portray myself in words that way. If i say something that offends you im sorry thats not my problem i call it like I see it. It may not always be right and that ok cause Im not perfect but im covered by the blood of Jesus and the Grace of a merciful God.
About Me
- Raphael
- I'm a 25yr old guy, I enjoy life to the fullest and God is who I want to follow he has blessed me with great friends and amazing people who surround and support me.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Power Outage
Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
We are called to be the light of the world. I was blown away to see how many people where going to their cars to stay warm and be in a light. It really did break my heart for these people, my neighbors so many times we focus on those "on the other side of the border" or those in Africa. To often we neglect those in our own city and for me in my own neighborhood. I ending this with a challenge. Mainly to myself but also to anyone who is reading this Pray, Pray for a light that people would look for in the darkness. Even be so bold as to pray that You would be that light that reflects the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for your neighbors as well as those elsewhere in the world because there may be many physical needs that lots of people have but there is one need greater then all and that is the need of a relationship with Jesus and The Father.
And for the curious folk, It is alleged that the police where chasing a drunk driver who wit a transformer and knocked out the power the truck looked pretty jacked but I never heard of they caught the guy or if he got away on foot.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Team Casas Weekend
Thursday, September 29, 2011
If you didn't already know I had applied for the Amarillo Police Departments Police Academy it can be a long drawn out process taking 5 months. I began this process in June by taking a couple of test and filling out a 20 page background, after that it was just a waiting game on them to go through people that scored higher than me until they got to my name which happen about 3 weeks ago They called my references past employers coworkers the whole 9 yards I was called in for an interview and then told that i was in pretty good shape depending on how many people the city of Amarillo allowed them to hire I should be hearing back from them in the coming weeks. A week ago I got an email saying that I had not been chosen to be part of the academy at this time. It was a little bit of a blow because this had been one of the things I had felt most peaceful about in a long time but if there is one thing I have come to understand is everything happens for a reason and Gods plan is always better for me than my own so after a couple of hours of being bummed I was ok. I think being around my old crew that weekend for two of my best friends getting married was very beneficial to getting my mind off of it. Not getting into the academy has changed a few things for me. I hadn't been making any long term plans because I didn't know how everything was going to pan out and I didn't want to have to cancel anything because of the academy. My last post I posted a few realizations and the still hold true but I have made progress on one front I have begun taking Acoustic Guitar lessons from an awesome teacher named Zak Wilkerson. Zak is the guy who is determined to teach you what you need to know none of the fluff crap that you don't which is really good. While I'm no where near as good as I want to be at this point I have come to realize that its going to take a lot of work and even more patience because its not easy.
I have gained a few responsibilities in the last few weeks in the fact that I have become the oversight for Xtreme on Wednesday nights. Aside from making sure everything runs smoothly like it has ever since I became a volunteer in 06 my biggest goal is to lower the average age of volunteers. Many of the volunteers are parents of children in Xtreme so they are in their mid 30s and up. Don't get me wrong I love all of them and they have become my family but I really think that my generation is a generation that can really connect with the 5th and 6th graders in a way that the older volunteers can't. So if you are reading this and want to check out Xtreme let me know I would love to talk to you about it and see if you would be a fit in this amazing ministry.
I get to go to Juarez a week from today to build a house for a family with Casas por Cristo. Something I have been looking forward to for a long time I haven't been since the last week of december and its been killing me. It will be good to get to go back an just surround myself in brokeness because it seems to be at that time that I truly am able to converse with God and fall in love with him even more.
Now to what is in my future and the Honest answer is I have no clue and Im ok with that. I have come up with a few goals for the next few months that I think will keep me plenty busy and help me grow as a Christian and a person.
Hanging out with friends and grow deeper in Christian community with them.
Be truly prepared for my marathon in December.
Ride my bike more not only in Palo Duro Canyon but also around town.
I just met up with a friend and we are applying for Amazing Race which will be an awesome experience just applying but I'm hopeful for a true opportunity to compete.
Become a more avid reader
Learn guitar well enough that I feel comfortable enough to actually play in front of a group of friends.
Thats my last couple of months in a nutshell and my goals for the next few months. Hopefully it wont be that long before my next post. Im going to try and post bi-weekly if not weekly and hopefully will be able to have progress reports on my goals and maybe some other good news as well.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Coffee shops
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Todays thoughts
Well its been a while since I have had something I felt was worthy of writing about. Here is my thought of the day.
So I was hanging out with some friends Monday night after work we went and bowled for dollar bowl night then afterwards we went to Waffle house. Now before I get to the story I just want to say I wasn’t a fan of waffle house till I was introduced to their hashbrowns where you can get them smothered, covered, chunked and diced. (onions, cheese, ham and tomatoes) Amazing if you haven’t tried them you should. Ok back to the story. By the time we get to Waffle house its almost midnight we all had come in our own vehicles so when the “Salesperson” that’s what Patricias name tag said. She preferred to be called Patty and really didn’t care if the name tag said salesperson or waitress she was there to take care of us and that’s all that mattered to her. She asked if it was just the 5 of us because she had seen all of our cars come in the parking lot. I joked and said “you thought it was a little early for the bars to close” and she said something that still bothers me this morning. “I would rather have the drunks then the churched” “The drunks are a lot more patient and kind” “I have worked the Saturday nights and the Sunday afternoon and I would rather work Saturday night” Now I don’t know if you the reader are a Christian, Believer, Atheist, Agnostic. If you are one of the first two you should be offended that this was said. I was and am. I don’t like the fact that there are people who say they are Christians and proclaim to be Christians yet don’t act it out. Don’t get me wrong I have been one of those people before and maybe still am from time to time but I try to be aware of my actions and who I’m around. I want my life to reflect His life. I am nowhere near perfect and never will be but I can always strive to be better and more Christ like. I have heard servers, waiters or whatever title you want to give them talk about how they dislike working Sundays because they feel like they are disrespected by church goers when they go to lunch after service. A few of them are believers then a few of them are but the ones that aren’t don’t like the idea of church because they see these “hypocrites” (their words not mine) say one thing in church and do another outside of the walls. I hate to admit it but that never really bothered me until last night. Because it was someone I didn’t know who said that. Regardless I hope that our actions give her hope that “Churched” people aren’t all hypocritical and hateful, unpatient, I hope that last night me and my group of friends were able to show Jesus in our actions towards her in our conversation and just in our presence. Just a thought people are watching you everywhere you go and if you proclaim to be a follower of Jesus they are going to expect you to be a Saint, don’t try to be because you will fail miserably but the least you can do is be kind, and love on people regardless of who they are and what they do because we all sin but Jesus still loves us and died for us. We should live our life in a manner that reflects Him and His love. Our actions should make one want to turn to God not turn away. Just something to think about the next time you go out to eat or go to the Grocery store.
Monday, May 9, 2011
New Message
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
Want to serve?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
"Crazy People"
The second is to write a check to Casas Por Cristo and put INTERN BUILD in the memo line and send it to
Casas por Cristo